Valentina's YouTube Channel
I'll be talking about Hexagonal Architecture via live-streaming sessions on my new YouTube channel. You can join to ask any questions, provide comments, and learn together.
Based on your feedback, many want to learn about Hexagonal Architecture. Thanks to everyone who’s been sharing my content with their teams. The gap I saw was that I was missing “foundational“ material so that many developers worldwide could find out about Hexagonal Architecture - in a simplified and easy-to-understand way.
That was the motivation behind starting my YouTube channel. It’s a chance for us to discover Hexagonal Architecture step-by-step and in a format, you can even more easily share with your colleagues.
Welcome to my new YouTube channel!
You can subscribe to my new YouTube channel to get notified about future planned live-streaming sessions and videos:
Next Livesteaming Session - Hexagonal Architecture
What if your system is integrating with another system being developed by another team? Will you wait for them to finish and be blocked, or is there a better way? Is it possible to implement business logic without concerning yourself with all the infrastructural details right at the start? How do you tackle the problem of slow tests which are slow because they're accessing I/O?
How do we handle third-party systems in Hexagonal Architecture? For example, we need to connect to already-existing external services such as PayPal, Stripe, etc., or we may need to connect to external services that don't yet exist, for example, a custom courier API that is being developed by another company or team. Some of these might be REST APIs, SOAP Services, FTP services, or calling Stored Procedures on a database... Some of these services already exist, but others are not yet developed...
How do we deal with sources of non-determinism? For example, when we have logic dependent on the time of day, day of the week, date, or month - how do we test it? Do we change the system clock, or is there a different way? How do we deal with random number generators, for example, in generating order numbers?
Please find out more at our next YouTube live-streaming session; register on LinkedIn LinkedIn Event or click “Notify me“ on YouTube: