TDD was the biggest turning point in my career.
That’s why I’m so excited that Kent Beck will be joining us at the Tech Excellence Conference 2024 to revisit TDD. Hear Kent Beck’s perspectives, after 2+ decades:
How TDD impacted my career
When I got a job in software development, I programmed just like everyone else: Detailed Requirement Analysis, Big Design Up Front (BDUF), code away for hours, then manually debug and test the feature when I thought I was done. Later, if there were time, I’d write tests.
Then I discovered TDD. Kent Beck’s book Test Driven Development: By Example transformed my approach to development.
I scrapped away BDUF. I could start with just one behavior, write executable specifications of that behavior, implement just enough code (it could be horrible code as long as it worked) to satisfy that behavior, and then clean up the code while preserving the behavior. No more BDUF.
With TDD, I could could work incrementally and iteratively. TDD provided me with safety. I rediscovered the joy of programming.
Kent Beck is revisiting TDD with us
Test-driven development (TDD) has become a polarizing development practice. Claims about TDD range from “absurd” to “essential” to “damaging” to “joyous.” In this talk, we’ll take a step back and look at TDD in context, including its history, current practice, and potential future.
Outline of the session:
History of TDD
Canon TDD
Variations: TCR, Exploratory, Mocks, Top-down, Bottom-up, Unit vs integration, Up-front
Effects of TDD - anxiety, scope management, defect density, trust, responsibility
📅 Friday, 22nd November 2024
About Kent Beck
Kent Beck is the rediscoverer of TDD, author of 9 books on programming including Test Driven Development: By Example, and current artist & musician.
Let’s join Kent Beck revisiting TDD, I look forward to this!
P.S. I’d like to hear from you - how did TDD impact you? Feel free to leave a comment below.
Want to apply TDD in practice?
You tried TDD, but it didn’t work. That's why I'm going to help you practice TDD step-by-step. Apply TDD on a sandbox project, and get my feedback and answers to your questions. Access TDD in Legacy Code.
TDD is like scaffolding for a project - excited to learn more from Kent Beck!