
TDD Live Sessions for 2025

Live discussion about TDD - webinars, video calls, Q&A...

👋 Hello, this is Valentina with the free edition of the Optivem Journal. I help Engineering Leaders & Senior Software Developers apply TDD in Legacy Code.

I am excited to announce that I plan to start TDD Live Sessions in 2025!

Our Premium Members will be able to:

  • Attend the live sessions

  • Watch the replay of the sessions (as sessions will be recorded)

Before I launch these video sessions, I have some questions for you…

What’s your preferred way of learning?


Which format do you prefer?

I’m planning to start videos (might be webinars or group video calls or something, we’ll see what you prefer)

  • Group video call - all participants will be visible on video/audio you're visible via video, and we can have a live face-to-face discussion

  • Webinar & live text chat - I’ll be visible on video, you can write questions via chat, then I’ll read out your questions and I’ll answer it live

  • Both are fine

Note: In both cases, the session would be recorded anyway.


What time do you prefer for our sessions?

I’m planning that the sessions be 1hr. In that case, which time range would you prefer?


Which topic is currently most relevant for you?

Based on your current job, perhaps you’ve tried some best practices and you have questions about it. Which of these topics is most relevant for you, and where you have questions that you’d like to ask me?


Which sequence do you prefer?

What would you find more useful for us to start with:

  • Concepts (TDD, Hexagonal, etc.) - Webinars / group calls (with live chat) that cover key concepts/foundations regarding TDD, Modern Test Pyramid, Hexagonal Architecture, Clean Architecture etc… they would be much bigger picture than the TDD in Legacy Code series, and we could jump between those topics across sessions

  • TDD in Legacy Code series - Webinars / group calls (with live chat) whereby we go in the sequence that’s in the TDD in Legacy Code series, we got up to Pipelines, Acceptance Tests & ATDD…. whereas topics like Hexagonal Architecture will be further down the road…

Based on this, what do you find more useful?


Do you have any suggestions for me?

I’d like to hear your feedback and comments, and any further ideas/suggestions you have, or any questions.

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